Brand Insights

For Health Science Executives

Tips to Help Search Optimize Your Company Website

Tips to Help Search Optimize Your Company Website

By Karan Cushman, May 15, 2011

By creating a quality structured website, you can increase your search optimization significantly and drive prospective customers to your biotech brand’s site. provides a great list of tips for SEO. Here’s my summary and how each relates to biotech branding.

 Selecting Targeting Keywords

  • Recognize the search words that prospective clients and investors are using in order to find products and services in the biotech industry.
  • Use keywords and that are applicable to what your biotech company has to offer.
  • Don’t just stick to popular words or phrases that are being searched, also find ones that other biotech companies failed to notice.
  • Check how often users are searching for these words or phrases by using keyword tracking tools such as or
  • Check each of these through Google search. Google is the leading search engine over others such as Yahoo and Bing.

Positioning These Keywords

  • As soon as you have chosen your leading keywords, position them on your site.
  • Include these keywords in titles, topics, descriptions and keyword tags.
  • If you are using keywords in titles, keep them clear and concise.
  • Always make sure your title and descriptions support each other and your biotech company’s visual content.
  • Place your keywords, even misspelled variations of the keywords into a tag field.
  • Make sure your keywords appear regularly in the text of site, but don’t fill a page with so many keywords that it doesn’t read normally.

Construct a Stronger Website

  • Visualize your overall biotech company website by creating a sitemap. This can be done using tools such as Excel.  Make sure you map out all the sections and components of your site.
  • Keep your web structure organized and well designed.
  • Well executed categories, equitable content and links between significant pages will help with your SEO.
  • Each URL should be short and concise, yet describe the content of that page.
  • Include your most significant keywords in your URL’s.
  • Because some pages of your biotech company website may have different subject matter, each might have specific keywords and phrases. The home page of your site should contain the most common of terms, but should become more customized and specific as you get further into the site.
  • If you need to, hire a web developer to assist you.

Click on the following link to read the full article, “How to Optimize Your Site for Search”

Tagged: Digital

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