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Writing Blog Posts with Greater Impact

Writing Blog Posts with Greater Impact

By Karan Cushman, October 10, 2011

By using the inverted pyramid style of writing, your blog will become more digestible and meaningful to your audience.

Writing for web is much different than writing for print. Why? Simply put – web users don’t read… they scan.

Your biotech blog is most likely geared towards investors or consumers, providing insight on specific products, services and recent research. To capture and retain your busy reader’s attention you need to be concise. By using the inverted pyramid style, you’ll begin with the conclusion – placing the most important information first. Ask yourself, “what will be the readers takeaway if they commit to reading the entire post?”

Below are some guidelines for writing in the inverted pyramid style.
Each blog post should have 3 sections: title, benefit statement and content.

• Keep headlines simple, direct and information rich.
• Be sure your headline is understandable out of context. They often appear on their own in search engine results.
• Include your biotech brand’s keywords in each post title.
• Emphasize the most important keywords by putting them first. (Readers tend to scan only the beginning of list items.)

Benefit Statement:
• Your benefit statement is the first sentence or paragraph of your article. Start each post with the conclusion by answering what readers will takeaway if they continue to read.
• Keep your benefits statement consistent with your content – don’t under deliver. Readers seldom return to sites that promise more than they deliver.

• Write to your target audience and categories – otherwise you may be venturing off topic.
• Online readers are busy so stick to the facts.
• Keep content concise, easy-to-scan and objective.
• Offer valuable content rather than promotional. Sell and your audience will lose interest.
• Avoid quickly written, shallow postings.
• Invest the time to create thorough and meaningful posts that can be published on a regular schedule.
• Limit word count to 350 – 450 words.
• Help readers digest content easily by using bulleted or numbered lists.
• Include at least 1 high-quality graphic.
• Write numbers with digits, not letters (16, not sixteen).
• Highlight keywords. Color, hypertext links and typeface variations are useful forms.
• Once your blog has enough posts to go live, commit to publishing on a regular schedule.

Happy blogging!



  1. Stephen on February 21, 2012 at 8:43 am

    Nice information Karan! I agree with all! However, I need to work on my article word counts, big time! 🙂

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