Brand Insights
For Health Science Executives
Create a Powerful Case Statement for Your Biomedical Nonprofit
Create a Powerful Case Statement for Your Biomedical Nonprofit

MDI Biological Laboratory demonstrates 3 design techniques that keep donors engaged.
Seth Johnson, Designer at IBM, once said, “Design focuses on improving experience, not simply on making things look pretty.” When it comes to designing an impactful Case Statement, this couldn’t be truer.
Case Statements are usually structured around big asks, so it’s extremely important that they tell a compelling story. MDI Biological Laboratory’s most recent Case Statement, Catalyst for Cures, was created to support a $15 million campaign for expanding infrastructure and securing top talent for its growing regenerative medicine research focus. Catalyst for Cures was designed to be a Leave Behind that would summarize and reinforce MDI Biological Laboratory’s messaging after an in-person meeting. Much of the campaign’s success hinged on telling a powerful story with the design of this piece. Here are 3 things we can learn from MDI Biological Laboratory’s success:
Use Images that Inspire Action
MDI Biological Laboratory’s Case Statement is intended to capture the imagination of its audience before they even open the cover. From the very first word to the last, every element of the design and message is deliberately chosen to keep readers turning the page. The background images of tissues and cells are arresting because they are presented in sharp contrast and brilliant color. Initially, viewers may not be sure what they are looking at, but that’s not the point. They recognize it as something magical, something elemental—and they know that it matters. These are the visual touches that grab attention and keep people reading.
Photos of everyday people are interspersed with this awe-inspiring imagery. This juxtaposition is important, because it creates a visual connection between the science and the people whose lives that science touches. Young or old, aging is something we all have in common. Demonstrating this through intimate, friendly photography reminds the reader that the Institution’s research ultimately impacts them and their loved ones, too. Words are important for bringing a message home, but sometimes imagery can do it in much more subtle ways that resonate on a deeper level.
Use Typography to Unleash the Power of the Written Word
Maggie Cohn, the writer behind Catalyst for Cures, knows that collaborative concepting and expert typography had a lot to do with the success of this piece. She says, “Design is absolutely key in persuading readers to invest their time and effort in reading a print piece. Images and headlines that stand out, typography that’s easy on the eyes, appealing color and plenty of white space all invite readers to dive in. As a writer, I hate to admit it, but most busy readers just look at images, headlines and captions. Great design brings a story alive just as great writing does—and more people pay attention to it!”
MDI Biological Laboratory’s Case Statement is a powerful example of information design done well. Typographical treatments emphasize important text beyond headlines. White space allows readers to rest and absorb what they are reading. And dense paragraphs are easy to scan, which is key for a piece that may or may not be read cover to cover the first time.
Reinforce Your Message with Paper and Printing Techniques
It is difficult to see in the PDF, but a high-gloss spot-varnish is used throughout MDI Biological Laboratory’s Case Statement to give it a feeling of quality and to emphasize important takeaways. For instance, the cover features an image of heart tissue. The turquoise areas represent the new, regenerated tissue—the result of the Institution’s research. These areas are spot-varnished for added emphasis. Elsewhere in the Case Statement, you will notice that other important information is highlighted by bands of color or bounding boxes. These areas are also spot varnished so that they stand out more. This treatment works especially well in areas where information is set against a dull black or clean white background.
This piece was also printed with UV inks, a newer printing technique that offers a radiance to color and spot varnishes unachievable with traditional inks. Adding drama and emphasis with creative printing techniques such as these is a wonderful way to show your brand’s attention to quality and detail while supporting your message to the fullest. Without a doubt these treatments are pretty but like Seth Johnson says, they also improve the experience.