Brand Insights
For Health Science Executives
Gain Allies for your Biomedical Nonprofit with Leadership Marketing
Gain Allies for your Biomedical Nonprofit with Leadership Marketing

3 ways sharing innovations can create unexpected partnerships.
If there’s one thing that every biomedical Development Director should focus on, it is developing his or her nonprofit’s reputation as a thought leader. By sharing innovations and expertise, nonprofits can make new and valuable connections with scientific peers and win support in ways they never imagined. Here are 3 ways to win allies with Leadership Marketing, and some simple actions you can take to get started:
Create and Track Interest
Other institutions may not know about your work or research goals unless you tell them. You can raise their awareness of your nonprofit by hosting online lectures, round tables and Q&A’s, or even by sharing thought-leading content like white papers or SlideShares. Sharing can be done both online and off, but online networking can make it easier to track how and how often certain groups interact with your brand. You can then reach out to them as potential allies and supporters.
Take action: Commit to sharing at least one article, blog post or biomedical resource with your scientific networks once a week. Ask for feedback to encourage ongoing dialogue.
Benefit from Shared Expertise
When you share insights with other biomedical professionals, your nonprofit will get as much as it gives. Taking the time to analyze information and provide an educated opinion can open up two-way conversations. As the scientific community comes to depend on your nonprofit for its input and expertise, you may find that they are more willing to share their expertise—and other valuable resources—with your researchers to help further their work.
Take action: Create a new biomedical-networking group on LinkedIn and encourage your researchers to actively participate. Make sure you have at least one knowledgeable staff member available to act as the host and encourage dialogue.
Expand Your Reach
Hosting thought-provoking online events and creating insightful content will encourage social sharing. Every time that content is shared, your biomedical nonprofit will expand its reach and its reputation as a leader. You may suddenly find your institution connected to larger facilities and leading researchers that you may never have thought of as potential allies.
Take action: Send out an Evite for an online roundtable discussion about a topic that has particular relevance to your nonprofit. Ask those who receive the Evite to pass it along to other experts in their network. You may be surprised how many industry thought leaders attend!
These are just a few ideas for networking with a leading attitude. Is your biomedical nonprofit using Leadership Marketing tactics to connect with the scientific community? Email me your success stories, and I will share them in a future post. Meanwhile, if you have questions, contact me, Karan Cushman, at 866-960-9220 or email