Brand Insights
For Health Science Executives
Measuring The Success of Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Brand
Measuring The Success of Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Brand

2 Leadership Marketing Questions That Reveal How Well You Are Connecting.
You can’t always measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts with a number or a percentage. Sometimes, asking the right people the right questions about their experience with your Biomedical Nonprofit’s brand can tell you a lot more about how well you are reaching your goals. Here are two areas of questioning you may want to consider:
Are you communicating the “Why?” behind the work your Biomedical Nonprofit does?
Simon Sinek did a powerful Ted Talk about how inspirational leaders and brands get that way. He created a model to demonstrate that they excel because they are able to communicate WHY they do what they do. In other words, true leaders go beyond selling benefits to sharing a mission and a passion.
To find out if your marketing is communicating the “why” of what Your Biomedical Nonprofit does, consider conducting some in-depth surveys.
- Talk to patients, groups or communities that currently benefit from your research. Determine their level of awareness of your brand. Do they know what your institution does? Can they connect the work that your institution does with the impact it has on their well-being? Do they understand the role your institution plays in the larger scientific community?
- Ask long-time supporters why they support your mission. Hearing it in their words will let you know if they define your mission in the same way you do. You may also find more effective messaging to use in future communications.
Do other scientific institutions trust your Biomedical Nonprofit for insights and information?
Scientists and other Biomedical institutions may be inspired by your brand mission, but they will also base their opinion of you on your industry reputation. It’s a mistake to assume that your marketing messages are defining that reputation. If you really want to know if your messages are resonating, ask these questions to learn more.
- Use the Internet and Social Media to “investigate” your own brand. Find out what is being said about your Biomedical Nonprofit and how often it is sited as an expert resource. Staying abreast of social mentions can help you pinpoint missed marketing opportunities and craft more effective leadership strategies.
- Conduct an in-depth survey that specifically asks scientists in your area of research how much they know about your institution’s contributions. Don’t assume you know the answers, and don’t be shy about digging deep. You need to find out how collaborative your institution is perceived to be, whether or not it is seen as a scientific leader, and whether its work is thought to be innovative or breakthrough.
If you have questions about conducting surveys or if you would like to share your own tactics for measuring marketing success, please contact me by calling 866-960-9220 or emailing