Brand Insights
For Health Science Executives
Performing an Inventory of Your Marketing Strategy
Performing an Inventory of Your Marketing Strategy

3 Questions To Ask About Your Leadership Marketing Strategy.
It’s been a full year since I started blogging about Leadership Marketing for Biomedical Nonprofits, and I’ve shared a lot of actionable communications tactics during that time. Now’s your chance to sit back and review how well your Institution has done at implementing them. Here are 3 questions that can help you find out:
Have You Defined Your Brand’s Mission?
Over the year, I’ve talked a lot about showing your Biomedical Nonprofit’s commitment to the greater good. This is important because it allows those who may not fully understand the science of what you do to connect with your overall human health goals. Translating those goals into a mission can provide focus for your marketing and energize the way you communicate. When you are successfully sharing your mission, your internal team will be able to state what that mission is, and your external reputation will reflect it.
Are You Sharing Strong Content?
Sharing content is a must-do for establishing brand leadership and showing industry expertise. A good rule of thumb is to use the 80/20 principle: create 20% original content and curate the rest. If you’ve been focusing on creating new content this year, you probably have a large library of PowerPoint presentations, insightful articles and Newsletters on hand. You can continue to gain value from that content by reposting and re-sharing it via social media. You can measure the success of your content marketing efforts by monitoring the traffic back to your website.
Are You Connecting With Those Outside Your Walls?
Biomedical Nonprofits need to be sure they are translating their scientific missions into something the general public—and potential donors—can get behind. Hosting community activities, lectures and other educational events can help others understand what you do and turn passive interest into active support for your Biomedical Nonprofit’s goals. Some clues that you are successfully connecting: Your social media pages are hosting two-way conversations and your website’s events page is up-to-date.
If your Communications or Development team has accomplished any of these things this year, you deserve a pat on the back. Leadership Marketing is a new way of branding your Biomedical Nonprofit, and a lot of time goes into making it happen. Hopefully you’ve seen firsthand why it is worth it.